القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع


    Detailed explanation of the Russian pirate metal detector and the second part

    The scheme was produced by the treasures and industry of the Arabs site from one of the honorable brothers at the time, and this blog is an extension of the site

    The basic parts of the Russian Pirate metal detector:





    BC547H or MPSA13 is the best



    10UF number 2

    1UF number 2

    1NF number 2




    390 ohms

    220 ohms

    20 ohms



    62K number 2






    Any value from 500K to 1M will suffice, God willing


    1N4148 Number 3



    At least 9 volt battery.

    اقرأ ايضاً :Metal Detector Felzgo part two

    The following ICs can be used in place of tl072

    LF412 TL062 TL082 LM358

    According to experience, the best coils are 20 cm in diameter and 24 turns with a wire of 25. More coils can be tried

    Depth for the machine depending on the size of the coil and the size of the metal

    In our experience, the file is 40 cm round with 0.6 mm wire

    A distance of 1.75 cm in the air on a tray of approximately 40 cm

    The number of turns is 34 laps

    On a coin not exceeding 25 cm

    But it has a defect, which is the lack of sensitivity to gold, and its advantages are low sensitivity to soil, and the ease of making and controlling the device

     It is well known, dear brothers, that the yellow metal is weakly sensitive to pulsed devices, and here, of course, we face the same problem

    The device is very sensitive to any changes that are included in the diagram, and from here we can put a variable resistance on the coil, and the device will be controlled better, and this may lead us to the possibility of sensitive metals to others

    Also, if we put a piece of iron near the coil during operation, this will also give us a greater distance in depth

    The important thing is a lot of experiments to understand the device

    My greetings

    Dear brothers:

    At the beginning of the manufacture of the Russian device, and if you want to operate the large coil on the device with a diameter of 40 cm circular, then I ask you to put a variable resistance of 500 ohms or a variable resistance of 1 kilo on the positive wire that goes out to the coil in order to control the frequency of the coil very beautifully and good luck, God willing.

    Part two video:

    Please watch the video of the experiment in the اصنع كاشف معادن channel
