القائمة الرئيسية


We ask God for success for everyone

Parts needed for the device with description:

The print file is ready
Programming fuse
FelezJoo PI printed circuit
hex programming file and microcontroller programming method
Here is the open hex link without counter:

Here is the link to the original hex with counter:

With my sincere thanks to all who participated in the above information

My brother, the structure of distinguishing metals is due to the difference in frequency, meaning the wave reflected from the metal is translated by reading, so the maker of the device experimented with minerals on reality and then translated it into the controller by reading. and file

Dear brothers, what is the part responsible for discrimination in the felsgo device?

The part responsible for distinguishing between metals is purely programming. So that the developer calculated the dimensions of the wave and took reference values ​​which he called A B C. Those values in the air were 300 700 800 and they completely match the device that the developer manufactured. It is impossible to obtain the same values due to the impossibility of matching the designs and electronic parts with the original model.
When there is a target near the coil, the magnetic waves are affected under the influence of the induction field produced in the piece, and some dealy delay occurs on them, and the values of the super A B C change, from which the processor calculates the ID, even if the delay is large in the case of magnetized and ferrous metals, then the delay is large and the device directly cuts off the sound. The designer also set a specific maximum range for this delay. If the super values are outside the range, the message Coil Error is given, and in fact there is no defect in the file, but the readings are outside the range.
I had put a video to analyze the wave through isolation and on some metals such as gold and how the delay value increases when the target approaches the file.
To correct the discrimination and isolation feature in the absence of the source code, this delay can be modified by changing some resistors to obtain good ABC values without the need to make a new coil.


Here is all about the device

These are the firmware links

These are buttons

Here is the open hex link without counter:


Here is the link to the original hex with counter:

.To you, my brothers, all the hexes of the Phleggio in a copy:

● Download firmware version 3.35 (unlimited version. The timer has been canceled)


Parts needed to assemble the FelezJoo PI

This is the list of necessary parts for assembling the machine, the values and the quality of the parts must be considered to get a good performance of the machine.
R1, R17, R21………….…….1K
R2, R16 ……………………….47 ohm
R4, R14, R20 …………………….4.7K
R5, R18…………………….…. 2.2K
R6, R15……………………. 10 ohm
R9………………………………..1M one mega-ohms
R10………………………….…. 100 ohm
R11, R12 …………………….390 ohm - 2W
R13………………………….. 18K
R19………………………….. 22K * All 0.25W1% carbon film
C1……………………………………. 10uF-16v electrolytic
C2, C3 ……………………………….18pF ceramic
C4, C5, C7, C8, C9, C14 ......... 100nF (or Code 104) ceramic
C18, C20, C21, C23, C26.......100nF (or Code 104) ceramic
C6, C12 ……………………………….100uF-16v (or Code 107) Tantalum
C10 …………………………………..5pF (or 4.7pF) ceramic-high quality
C11……………………………………. 2.2uF-16v (or Code 225) Tantalum
C13, C17, C25 ……………….…….470uF-16v electrolytic
C15, C16 ……………………..………….4700uF-16v electrolytic
C19, C22 …………………………….1000uF-16v electrolytic
C24…………………………………….2200uF-25v electrolytic
  * Ceramic capacitor voltage isn't important-
*you can use a capacitor with higher voltage but don't use capacitors with lower-
effort at all.
Integrated Circuits
(U1………………..ATmega328P-PU (microcontroller) Type 28 pin
(U2……………….. LF357N, not fake (LF357H metal, LF157, LF257
U3…………. . L7805CV, high quality 5V regulator
U4…………. . L7812CV12 volts 1.5 A, high quality regulator + small and strong
T1……………………BS170 original
T2…………………….IRF840 or IRF740 (MOSFET)
Other necessary parts
X………… 20MHz crystal 20 MHz
D1, D2 ………………………..1N4148 diode
D3 ……………………………..1N5819 diode
LCD………………………………..16*2 character LCD with backlit
SP……………… ……… small 8 ohm speaker, 0.2 W or more piezoelectric speaker
BAT………………………………. Battery 18 to 24 V, 2-4 amps
Coil …………………………... 350uH - 1 ohm - Spider-loop search (proposed
S………………………………. 5. high quality push button mounted box mode Contact
PCB…………………………..... 7.3 x 7.9 cm fiber - rather than fiberglass

In my experiment with felsgo, I modified the R11 resistor
To 590, its performance became much better, the sensitivity of the soil decreased, and its depth became better
The file was worked on as follows
Insulated copper wire, 90 square centimeters, 1 millimeter, 500 microns
And the plus settings are 350
and evidence 40
The rhinoceros 3
Frequency 400
Of course, the modification is only for using large files


سهم الحق said…
كنوز وصناعة العرب
اسم ومعنى ومحتوى جديد
Adam Jafar said…
رهيب هذا المنتدى...
ولكن لما تم حجب المنتدى القديم
وحيث انه اصبح مرجع علمي وعملي
تحياتي للقائمين على المنتدى.
التنقل السريع