القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع

    How are you my friends..... The stability of the metal detector is three meters deep
    How do we reach the stage of stability in the sufficient detector and bfo devices
    First: We wrap the coil in an organized manner using a wire with a diameter of (0.5-0.7) mm

    Second: After fixing the file, we put the wax used in lighting on it

    Third: We wrap the coil with thin tin foil used in homes to isolate it from the earth’s magnetism

    Fourth: Isolate the files from the outside air using plastic tubes or inside a wooden frame

    Fifth: Using ferrite material on small and large files in abundance

    اقرأ ايضاً :3m depth metal detector
    Sixth: the use of variable capacitors (radio tuner) in the large and small coils, two variable capacitors for each coil, a minimum

    Seventh: Use capacitor No. 104 instead of capacitor No. 103 (100 nanometers instead of 10 nanometers) in all stages of building the device.

    In the end, if you adhere to what I mentioned in the previous points, you will reach an advanced stage of stability for the device, God willing, and God is the Grantor of success   
