القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع

    Dear brothers, today we have the well-known metal detector, Al-Kashif Al-Kafi, but in our topic today we dispensed with the stethoscope and sufficed with LED and Superiority Mister to infer the presence of metal. In our topic today, we used the large file, which is the largest file that is used as a sufficient detector. We also used a Rado tuner for calibration.

    The components that were used are the sufficient detector circuit, a large coil, a small coil, and a variable capacitor. We start with the components of the sufficient detector circuit for those who do not know them:

    The components are six transistors, eight capacitors No. 104, six 10k ohm resistors, one resistor of 2.2 megohms, two 39k ohm resistors and one 1k ohm resistor. As for the transistors, one of the following transistors can be used:

    Transistor replacements in metal detectors

    2n3904 & c1815 & bc547 &bc549 &bc550 

    The large file consists of a file with a length of 100 cm and a width of 55 cm in an oval shape at the ends. Here are the pictures:

    Metal detector diagram

    Large coil for metal detector

    Video for clarification

    اقرا ايضا3m depth metal detector
