القائمة الرئيسية


Replacement parts for the metal detector, the adequate detector

 Replacement parts for the metal detector, the adequate detector

Peace and mercy of God

We knew previously how we could build a metal detector at home with available parts. This detector can suffice us with a device that costs thousands of dinars. Of course, as we knew previously, this device competes with commercial devices, as it reached a depth of 3 meters with one of the metal detector enthusiasts, and some told me that it reached They have a depth of up to two meters and sixty centimeters (2.60 cm). Personally, the depth of the device reached two meters and thirty centimeters (2.30 cm). Therefore, it is a very important device in the field of metal detection, and we can rely on it to detect metals if we adhere to some of the advice that we mentioned in the Channel videos and some topics in this blog.

Many of my followers have asked me about some alternative parts for the sufficient detector, so I had to devote a special topic to these alternatives, noting that I will put a picture of the circle with the pieces on it at the end of the topic. Now we must mention the basic parts of the sufficient detector and then the alternative parts.

Replacement parts for sufficient detector

What are the basic parts of a sufficient detector:

Replacement electronic parts

اقرأ ايضاً :Turn on the metal detector

First: the transistor

  The sufficient metal detector depends mainly on NPN transistors, as the number of these transistors is six (6). We will now mention what transistors we used and how they worked for us.

bc546 bc547 bc548 bc549 bc550 2n3904 2n5551 c1815

In fact, these are the transistors that I tested in Al-Kashef Al-Kafi, knowing that it is not a requirement to use the same type of transistor in all stages of the device. For example, if I use a bc547 in the transmitter circuit, it is not a requirement to use the same type in the receiver circuit, as I can use a 2n3904, for example, and in the mixing stage I can use a bc550 and so on. As for where to get the transistors, I can extract them from an old radio or an old television, such as the C1815 transistor, as it is widely used in old televisions, and I can buy them directly from electronics stores, as they are cheap.

Second: the condenser

The widely used capacitors in this circuit are capacitor 104 and capacitor 103. Here I must point out that the origin of the device is that we use capacitor 103 in the transmitter circuit and in the receiver circuit 104. However, I saw that using capacitor 104 as an alternative to capacitor 103 added quite a bit of stability to the device, note that This capacitor is available in almost all old televisions, radio, or even other devices.

Third: Polar capacitor

Here we used in our device this two-polar capacitor with a value of 220 microfarads, and here we can use more than one alternative to this capacitor. For example, we can use 470 microfarads, and the device will work efficiently, God willing. We can also use any value between 220 and 470 microfarads, and this capacitor is connected to the core of the circuit. On the one hand and on the other hand according to the circle.

Fourth: The resistors used

Of course, we can extract all types of resistors used in the device from old devices, as they are available in abundance, and all values are also available in old devices, and you, my dear brothers, can buy them new from electronics stores, as they are very cheap, but I believe that you did not find them, so what should be done?? Here, my brothers, we can use any close value that you find, and the device will work, God willing. I point out here that the voltage used in the detector is sufficient from 9 to 15 volts.

I hope you have benefited from this topic

Device circuit

Replacement parts for sufficient detector

Replacement electronic parts in detail
