القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع

     Today, God willing, we will talk about making the small file that we use as a second file with the big file, the details of which we explained in the previous topics, and today we will discuss this file in some detail.

    We can make a small file from a container of adhesive glue (an empty adhesive container) or a wooden piece of certain lengths, and we include here the manufacturing details:

    1 - A stick of adhesive glue and wrap a file on it until the sound comes out clear while the device is running and here comes the balancing process (you will not be able to visualize clearly without watching the video)

    2- A plank 10 cm long and 1 cm in diameter, on which we wind a coil of 115 turns until we get the sound.

    To see the circuit of the device, please go to this topic

    اقرأ ايضاً :3m depth metal detector

    Dear friends, the number of turns of the large coil is known to us, because the transmission must be within the range of 100 kilohertz, and here the large coil is made first, and the small coil is likely to be valid for all large files, because the transmission is common for large files, which is 100 kilohertz and controls your choice of file is the depth What you want for the device, the larger the large file, the greater the depth, and at the same time, the larger the large file, the more sensitive to the size of the large metal.

    اقرا ايضا Let's start from here

    Illustrative imageetail in this video

    For important details and an exclusive online explanation of the large files of this device, see this video:
