القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع

     Experiment with the large coil metal detector

    Today we are going on a field experiment aimed at knowing the effectiveness of the metal detector that we developed in our channel, which consists of the transmitter, which in turn consists of two transistors for transmission, where the first transistor with the first coil sends an electromagnetic signal with the same value as the signal that the second transistor sends with the second coil, and here we control the signal by A variable capacitor or several variable capacitors that can be used to control the frequency in the coils. This method consists of (2) transistors, (8) 104 capacitors, (4) 220 micro capacitors, and (4) 10k ohm resistors. Here, two coils are connected to the two transistors in the transmitter circuit. They are united by the third transistor, which is called the synthesizer, to send its unified signal to the amplification, and here we control the signal through a variable capacitor or several variable capacitors on both the first and second coils.

    To see the circuit of the device, please go to this topic

    The receiver: The receiver here consists of three consecutive transistors with several resistors and capacitors, and it is a simple way to amplify the signal with three transistors, and we can use any signal amplifier that we see fit, and we should not forget here to mention that this simple device is one of the BFO metal detectors.

    In this matter, we brought you an actual experiment for the depth of the device, which is one and a half meters, according to the square file 60 * 60, and field experiments will continue, God willing, until the extent of each device is known.

    This experiment is a field experiment outside the home to learn how the device signals and to know its secrets closely

    اقرأ ايضاً :3m depth metal detector

    Please watch the video of the experiment in the اصنع كاشف معادن channel

