القائمة الرئيسية


Metal detector using the IC 555 with the BFO system for the first time on the Internet

Metal detector using the IC 555 with the BFO system for the first time on the Internet

how to make metal detector

It is a new and special metal detector for us, and for the first time on the information network, and we will try, God willing, to develop this device if we have the right time.

the ingredients:

ic555 number (2)

npn transistor (1)

اقرأ ايضاً : metal detector FelezJoo PI

  files number (2)

  Condenser 104 pcs (2)

Capacitor 103 pcs (2)

Device speaker in addition to (2) batteries with a value of 5 volts for each of them.

How does this device work:

The work of the device is based on the device working by sending a radio signal at an ultrasonic frequency through the IC555 No. (1) and at the same time the IC555 No. (2) sends the same signal at the same time and at the same frequency, the two frequencies meet by unifying and collecting man No. (3) IC555 No. ( 1) and number (2), then the signal is sent to the transistor, which is a transistor to mix the two frequencies together and then output the unified frequency to the speaker, and because the frequency is supersonic, we will not hear a sound, but when a metal passes close to one of the two coils, a difference occurs in the frequency, and therefore the amount of difference is what appears in headset.

How to build the device:

  Pin No. 7 of the ic555 is connected to a resistance of 1 kilo ohm, and the other side of the resistance is connected to the positive of the circuit. Pin No. 6 of the ic555 is connected to a resistance of 425 ohms, and the other side of the resistance is connected to Pin No. 7 of the ic555, and this same pin (Pin No. 6) is connected With a capacitor of 10 nanometers, number 103, and the capacitor on the other side is connected to the negative side of the circuit, and as it is known, pin No. 2 is connected to pin No. 6 as well, and pin No. 4 is connected to the positive of the circuit, and pin No. 1 is connected to the negative of the circuit, and pin No. 5 is connected With capacitor No. 104, in this way a frequency is produced in leg No. 3 of the timer of approximately 77 kilohertz.

Now, for the second IC555, its legs are connected exactly as we connected the first IC555, and two coils are installed, the first for IC555 No. 1, and the coil here is connected to leg No. 3, the negative of the circuit, and the timer No. 2 in the same way, and the circuit is fed with 5 volts, then one of the ends of the first coil is connected Or the second positive side with the transistor terminal that represents the base and the second transistor terminal which is the ammeter with the negative one and another 5 volt battery is connected to the transistor ammeter connected to the coil, and a headphone is placed between the transistor collector and the positive of the second battery and here it is preferable to connect a variable capacitor with on one of the coils and when controlling the movement Coils A sound appears that you can balance by controlling the coils themselves, and when the metal approaches, the frequency changes.

Device depth:

The depth here depends on the possibility of making a tight file and adjusting it so that it brings us a signal close to 100 kilohertz, which is the ideal signal to penetrate the ground and obtain the greatest possible depth. 

Please watch the video of the experiment in the اصنع كاشف معادن channel


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