القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع


    The second and upgraded version of the hybrid metal detector

    device components:

    This device consists of two parts: The first part: It consists of the transmitter, which consists of an oscillator in addition to the IC555 for transmission, where the oscillator with the coil sends an electromagnetic signal with the same value as the signal that the IC555 sends, and they merge together to the third transistor, which is called the mixer to send the unified signal to the amplification Here, we control the signal through a variable capacitor on the first coil.

    The second part of the device: It is the receiver, which is the receiver of the Russian pirate circuit, where the amplifier, which is the receiver itself, receives the signal from the synthesizer transistor and amplifies it via the AISI lm358, so the sound comes out clearly in the device’s speaker

    Device work:

    When a metal passes over the coil on the ground, a difference occurs in the signal as a result of the passage, and therefore the frequency of the first coil located close to the ground differs from the second coil located in a box in the device, or the two coils are close to the ground, and by passing over the metal, a difference occurs in frequency between the coil passing over the metal and the coil The other, as a result of this difference, is the sum of the difference between the frequency of the two files.

    Information about ic555:

    As we can see, the ic555 is the main element in this circuit, as it talks about the number 2 of the timer 555, and this timer consists of 8 legs, the leg No. 1 is permanently connected to the negative line of the circuit, and the leg No. 2 is connected to the leg No. 6 and the leg No. 3 is The leg of the final output of the circuit, man No. 4 is always connected to the positive line of the circuit or man No. 8, man No. 5 of the timer is connected in most cases with a capacitor that is connected on the other side to the negative of the circuit, while man No. 6 of the timer has different cases depending on the purpose From the circle, here we talk about this matter more clearly and say the following:

    First: In the event that the purpose of the timer is to amplify the frequency, then this leg is connected to the frequency to be amplified, and a capacitor is not connected in this case with this leg.

    Second: If the purpose of the timer is to produce a certain frequency, then here we connect a capacitor with this man that is commensurate with the required value of the frequency.

    As for man No. 7 for the timer, it has two cases:

    1- When the purpose of the timer is to increase the frequency, then this leg is not completely connected and left as it is.

    2- When the purpose of the timer is to produce a specific frequency, then this leg is connected to a resistance. This resistance is connected to the positive line of the circuit, and the value of this resistance is proportional to the frequency required to be produced.

    اقرأ ايضاً : metal detector FelezJoo PI

    Pin 8 is for the timer and is always connected to the positive side of the circuit.

    Now we have the easiest device to make, strong and excellent depth

    How to install the Ic555 to turn the radio into a metal detector

    Among the topics complementing this topic are the following:

    Please watch the video of the experiment in the اصنع كاشف معادن channel

    The depth is according to the file used: With experience, it was found that the following files achieve the best range for the device

    The first coil: 15 cm in diameter, with 11 coils, knowing that the wire used is 0.5 mm, but other coils can be tried and they will work, God willing, but the range will be different, and here we are talking about personal experience for the best depth of coils.

    The second file: a coil with a diameter of 30, 30 cm, a length of 60 cm, the number of turns is 5, and the tested wire is 0.5 mm.

    The fourth file: a square file with a diameter of 60 cm

    Depth of the device: it works, it is known that the greater the file size, the greater the depth and depth of the files as follows:

    The coil is 15 cm deep and approximately 15 cm deep for the coin

    The file is 30 cm in diameter, circular, approximately 25 cm deep on coins, and for large metal, approximately 75 cm, depending on the workmanship of the circle and the file.

    The file is 30 * 60, its approximate depth is one and a quarter meters

    The coil is 60 squares, its approximate depth is one and a half meters, within the condition of perfecting the circuit and the coil
