القائمة الرئيسية


التنقل السريع



    Now we have the easiest device to make, strong and excellent depth

    How to install the Ic555 to turn the radio into a metal detector


    The second step to making a metal detector

     My friends, this video is important for beginner friends in this science and electronics in general, and I advise you to follow the video because of its great importance in the field of making electronic circuits.

    The beginning of the road begins with making the electronic board, not an electronic device, components for printing the electronic board, and innovative materials for the manufacture of materials used in this way.

    We start the first step by making the copper plate to print the circle on, and then prepare the following materials, which are table salt, lemon salt, and hair hydrogen that is sold in pharmacies. The circle is printed on parchment paper, which is the paper used in cooking food and desserts.

    The method of work :

    We mix 10 ml of table salt, 20 ml of lemon salt, and 50 ml of clean water, mix them together well until the salts dissolve, then add 12 ml of hydrogen to the water in which the salts are dissolved, then put the printed plate in this water for about an hour, and after that we take out the plate And we clean it to be ready for perforation.

    اقرأ ايضاً :Turn on the metal detector

    The copper plate is pierced according to the printed circuit with a drill of an appropriate size for the process to succeed. This drill can be made at home as follows:

    We need a dynamo of a suitable size, and a half-millimeter drill bit is installed at the beginning of the dynamo, and the special drill bit is fixed through the adhesive well and straight, then the dynamo is supplied with a 12-volt battery, so this drill will work, God willing.

    You can view the sequel to this part here:

         Please watch the video of the experiment in the اصنع كاشف معادن channel
